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- 30% conversion (41,000 downloads) in the first 14 days
- Meanwhile, 69,000+ downloads
- Average of 7,000 app sessions per day
Over 40,000 downloads in the first two weeks after release? That's the result of the successful collaboration between Brand New Day, Rōnin Amsterdam and Move. The three parties realized the Brand New Day app in one year. "A real co-creation in a team of star players," according to our project manager Alec. Fan of cool apps and sports metaphors? Then read on quickly.
About Brand New Day
Brand New Day was founded in 2010 as a challenger to insurers in the market for pension products. A period in which usurious policies were more the rule than the exception. Founders Kalo Bagijn and Thierry Schaap thought it was high time for a change and founded online bank Brand New Day. Without physical branches, but with the very best customer service. The bank offers smart and accessible 'top of the bill' investment and savings products at low costs and uses customer satisfaction as its growth strategy.
Three parties, one goal
At the time of writing, Brand New Day has over 6 billion euros under management for more than 300,000 customers. For a long time, they could only view and manage their assets through a responsive web environment. Although the website worked well, the need for an app grew rapidly in recent years. Because Brand New Day did not yet have an internal app team, we got in touch with Brand New Day through an RFP. Based on our experience with security and banking apps, the bank trusted us to develop the app. From the RFP, the design was assigned to Rōnin Amsterdam. A party we had been eyeing for some time because of their cool work and were eager to work with. Coincidence? Hardly possible.
Wealth management from your pocket
The first version of the app came out in November 2023. In this version, users can view their returns, monitor the value of their account(s) and deposit money via iDeal. For a smooth user experience, we used native screens as much as possible.
Fast and well arranged
Because of the rapidly increasing demand for a Brand New Day mobile app, there was quite a bit of time pressure on this project. Now, speed and security are generally "mutually exclusive" when it comes to app development. Because of Brand New Day's requirements for security, UX design and related performance, we recommended a native app. While these apps often take longer to develop, they are known to deliver better performance and frictionless user experiences. Non-native apps, while cheaper, faster to develop and deployable across multiple platforms, also often suffer from performance limitations and offer fewer options in terms of custom animations and screen transitions.
'Creating and building the Brand New Day app was a great process. We are very pleased with the quality of the work and the collaboration between the passionate and dedicated teams of the three partners.

Dream Team
We launched the app within the agreed scope of a year. In this, the exceptional collaboration between Brand New Day, Rōnin Amsterdam and Move plays a key role. Bring three top parties with high ambition together and magic happens. Paul Fellinger (CCO at Move) and Arend Jan Velsink (Director wealth accumulation at Brand New Day) both describe the collaboration as 'working together in the Champions League of app development' for good reason.
Safe login
In addition to being user-friendly, the Brand New Day app is also extremely secure. Existing customers can easily log into the app with their username and password. After the first login, they choose a personal login code. The app also features multi-factor authentication with a biometric login based on facial recognition or a fingerprint.
'Besides being proud of the result, we are also enormously proud of the collaboration with Move and Rōnin Amsterdam. Different disciplines, different companies, but we managed to work together as one team from the beginning. Something I think is crucial to deliver a good product, but not always obvious.'

Brand New ... Yay!
The Brand New Day app has been super well received by customers. In the first two weeks after its release in November 2023, the app was downloaded over 40,000 times, representing a 30% conversion rate. Last December, the busiest month of the year for Brand New Day, the company recorded nearly 7,000 app sessions per day: over 20% of the total number of sessions via app and web. December 2023 also saw 31% customer growth compared to December 2022, thanks in part to the arrival of the app. We are currently working hard on new features and are looking forward immensely to the continued development of the app and further cooperation with Brand New Day.