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ADA Compliance: Digital Accessibility in Aviation

At Move, we have years of experience in developing digital passenger journeys. Read more about our approach around the ADA, WCAG and how to make sure you develop accessible digital solutions as a U.S. airport.
Photo of an airport passenger looking at her cell phone.

How we can help

Move helps airports meet accessibility standards on the digital spectrum. We conduct an internal audit to assess the accessibility of the website and/or digital platform, evaluate the website according to WCAG standards and identify areas for improvement. To do this, we use accessibility scanners to identify accessibility issues, such as missing alt text, poor color contrast and navigation problems. After our audit, we provide recommendations for necessary changes to meet WCAG guidelines. We can also offer training to ensure long-term compliance. In addition, we can conduct user testing with people with disabilities to implement further iterations.

ADA approach to the CVG Airport Website

An example of one of our ADA projects is the CVG Airport website. In it, we took into account:

  • Navigation and layout
    CVG Airport's site has a clear structure. Users easily find what they are looking for thanks to the clear main menu. Important sections such as 'Passengers', 'Business', 'Careers', and 'Accessibility' are directly accessible.

  • Readable content
    We have ensured easy-to-read text with a clear font and sufficient contrast. This is crucial for users with visual impairments. The color scheme is simple and consistent, which further improves readability. It is also immediately clear what is a button and what is static content. We carefully considered branding and contrast colors, such as white on black and light green on dark green.
  • Alt text for images
    Images on the site are provided with alternative text. This helps users who use screen readers to understand the content of the images. For example: alt='A photo looking down runway 18C with a giant X standing up in the middle of the runway to mark the closure.'
  • User-friendly search function
    The search function on the site is accessible and provides a quick way to find certain information on the website.

Want to learn more about ADA compliance for airport websites?

Please contact Stefan Smit (Aviation Consultant). You can find his contact information below.

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