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Designers on tour - Config, San Francisco

Our UX/UI Design Team Leads, Valérie (Amsterdam) and Thessa (Zwolle), flew to Config in San Francisco last week. Read more about their experiences and inspiration here.

Day 2: Authenticity, vision & inspiration

Thessa: 'Authenticity and vision were a common thread in many talks. Successful products are made up of passion, not money or greed for success. No one can execute a product better than you when your passion is ingrained in the product. Combine that with a strong vision that you translate into a set of "design principles" and you may just (unintentionally) put a big success on the market. This simultaneously underscores your potential role as a designer. When you design a product, you do much more than move pixels. Think about research, storytelling and especially a piece of leadership. This is completely in line with how we as Move view the designer role and confirms to me that we are on the right track.'

Valérie: 'After the 'shock' of Figma's new job announcements, the stage was cleared on Day 2 for talks on where to find inspiration, practical tips for accessibility and the importance of passion projects. It was inspiring to hear how "side projects" can stimulate personal and professional growth and how something you started with intrinsic motivation can grow into a full-time job. The talks on quality in design and finding your authenticity were particularly valuable and gave me new insights that I am eager to apply in our work at Move.'

Config conclusion (for now)

Valérie: 'I look back on an experience that was 100% worth the long flight. Almost all the talks were relevant and the quality of the talks exceeded our expectations. For two days we were both in learning mode. The event also raised quite a few questions, possibly leading to process changes or at least a few good discussions within the Design Teams. Attending these types of events is crucial for colleagues from all of our teams to stay abreast of trends and technological developments. This allows us to continue to provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions. In addition, these events provide invaluable networking opportunities, allowing us to connect with other professionals, exchange ideas and gain new perspectives. (Very refreshing to be among people who 'just understand' the value of design!) The inspiration and knowledge we bring back encourage innovation within our teams, which ensures continuous improvement and creativity.'

Thessa: 'The flight was indeed long, but all in all the journey has brought a lot of energy. Config has lit an even bigger fire in my already existing passion and strengthened my ambitions. Valérie and I see ourselves on such a stage in the future! The topics were recognizable, which confirms to us that we are doing the right things at Move. Think about the implementation of AI in our apps, accessibility and attention to detail: all hot topics at Move. Also, ideas for home emerged immediately, such as Movecon (an internal knowledge festival) and a cool design challenge for our department.'

Fancy a Config Deep Dive?

We asked Valérie and Thessa to keep notes of their talks attended. And boy oh boy, they did! Soon they'll zoom in on their personal main takeaways - each in their own blog. #contentfordays

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